The English Chat Room (446)

18 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/01/30(Sun)03:11 ID:Heaven [Del]

Hi, Anonymous san.
Nice to talk to you here.

So you knew about 2ch after you stumbled on 4ch, right?
But I wonder how Squeek san found 2ch before creating 4ch.
Unless I'm mistaken, Japan Times, a kind of newspaper
published in Japan and also written in English, said
2ch was the most famous BBS in Japan
(I'm sure the 2ch ENGLISH ita was mentioned in the
article a time or two). So if the founder of 4ch read it,
there was no wonder he had a look at 2ch and was inspired,

Haven't any overseas news media brought up the subject
about 2ch by now, have they?

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