The English Chat Room (446)

49 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-14 05:03 ID:Heaven

I found it intriguing that Canada accomodates Japanese teachers because it's an English-speaking nation. I heard a joke before: People who speak two languages are called bilingual. People who speak three languages are trilingual. People who speak only one language are American.
I'm no racist at all, but the fact that almost all native English speakers who teach their language in Japan don't speak Japanese has made me think English-speaking people weren't bothered to learn another language, but it seems I'm a bit wrong. I hope your efforts bear fruits in the future.

About 加油, by the way, I may have seen the expression on banners when Chinese people assembled in a sports stadium and tried to cheer up their team. So I guessed it was like 頑張れ in Japanese.

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