The English Chat Room (446)

76 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-06-05 05:52 ID:Heaven


For any Japanese here who can read somewhat good english, or even any English speakers here, I highly recommend you go to this excellent blog on life of an American preschool English teacher who worked in Japan. ttp://

Excite's translations aren't that bad. But it would do you good to read it in English because I find it is quite well written for a blog.
You might want to start from the beginning, or read certain categories by going here: ttp://

I'm wondering whether there are any foreign people involved in the animation industry in Japan. I've seen 2 foreign names so far in Production I.G.'s credits for Ghost in the Shell:SAC. One was a Theresia Winkler, and the other one was a Benjamin something.

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