【英語勉強】英語で微妙な間違い (40)

37 名前: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 2005-10-07 18:19 ID:Heaven

In Japan, there is a rule that the loan word should be pronounciate and write as possible as
original sound.(except Chinese 'cause we can read Chinease letter(Kanji) as Japanese way.)
However, it is not possible to do quite thoroughly because there are a lot of sounds that do
not exist in Japanese.
Therefore, the loan word in the country introduced first is written by the カタカナ(katakana)
as new Japanese word and pronounced.
About western medical jargon first took Holland then German at the dawn then U.S.A after WWU.
But still pronunciation near German is a main current in medical jargon.
Therefore,ウイルス is a little bit popular than ビールス in Japan. Both available.
The nurse in Japan pronouncciates blood pulse(脈拍) for プルス not パルス.
But electrical engineer pronouncciates electrical purule for パルス not プルス.
For instance, in Japan everyone knows somewhere if it is pronounced Muenchen(ミュンヘェン),
Zuelich(チューリッヒ),Wien(ウイーン)in German style pronounciation, but more than 80% peoples
can't understand where it is if it is pronounced Munich(ミューニック), Zurick(ズーリック), Vienna
(ヴィエナ)in English styel.

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