Reason 1.
In 2ch「串挿し(kushi-sashi)」means not a Yakitori .
*「串」means 「Proxy(プロキシ≒プロクシ )server」
*串を挿す=through the Proxy server
When the criminal writes it through foreign proxy server ,it is difficult to find original IP.
Reason 2.
To prevent Attacks from Kitty in Non-amiable neighboring country.
basically, to prevent against Chinese and Korean hackers, right?
, -=-‐〜--へ__,,- 、
< ヽ ゝ
ノ 二、___ゝ,/_/ヘ | ./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| ヲ | | | Very sorry.It is not possible to say the name
| ┤ ===、 , ==| | .< of non amiable country as my standpoint.
ノ 彳 ―ェ 〈‐ェ〈 ゝ | 'cause I'm soury(総理). Ask 2ちゃんねら。
ゝ、 イ6|ゝ / \ |‐" \_________________
く .^| - ゝ
ヒi_,| \l [ ――.|
,,, -/\ \____,|
―'| \ \ |\_
| \ \. / 〉 \ ̄
|__,\ / ̄〕/ 、/
ニダ ━━<ヽ`∀´>@∀@)`ハ´)´Д`>━━!!!!
小泉くん キタ━━<ヽ`∀´>━━!!
,,z''⌒' \
./ _,,,,,ヽ,,,,_, \
/ ./" ヽ, \
i / ノ ヽ
| / ヽ、 .}
l l:: ,-─-z,,::::::::.,-''~_、 /
ヽ.iヘ|、. -辷iメi f辷iァヽ,,,,,ノ
゙{ ! '' ノ,′ `ニ 、i.リ ( 小鼠(ko nezumi) is my lovely pet.
O::... " ,(,,,⌒,,)、 )O ( Do not bully him.
,,,!、ゝ ,,,,,, ,/ ノノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
/ ...ヽ、、''t─-─''",ノ,,..ヽ
ゝ,,,_;;;ヽ "'ー-'".ノ__,,,,ノ
,,ィ' ゙゙.ー-─'ト-、,,,,
,,,-ー'''"" | } ヽ、,,,__
./ .ヾ゙‐-,,,,,,,.--.ノ ゙i、
I understand now. Thank you all for your responses.
,,z''⌒' \
./ _,,,,,ヽ,,,,_, \
/ ./" ヽ, \
i / ノ ヽ
| / ヽ、 .}
l l:: ,-─-z,,::::::::.,-''~_、 /
ヽ.iヘ|、. -辷iメi f辷iァヽ,,,,,ノ
゙{ ! '' ノ,′ `ニ 、i.リ
O::... " ,(,,,⌒,,)、 )O
,,,!、ゝ ,,,,,, ,/ <Why is not my AA recorded on Cute girl thread ASCII?
/ ...ヽ、、''t─-─''",ノ,,..ヽ
ゝ,,,_;;;ヽ "'ー-'".ノ__,,,,ノ
,,ィ' ゙゙.ー-─'ト-、,,,,
,,,-ー'''"" | } ヽ、,,,__
./ .ヾ゙‐-,,,,,,,.--.ノ ゙i、
Dr. Rice Condoleezza (AKA "Condi")
__ -──‐-、,.._
/::::::::| -─‐- |::::::ヽ
|:::::::/ ,-‐ Ll ‐-、ヾ::::::l
ヽ;;/ ,(о) (о)、 ヽ;;/
((( U . / \ )))
ヽi ヽ ノ(、__,ノヽ / i_/ \__人_人,从人.
\ < [三] >ノ / <She is tough -nida.
/::|`─-─´.|::\ /⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y
_/i :::::|./□\, |::::::|\_
/::| ::::>::::| ハ |::::<:::::|:
,,z''⌒' \
./ _,,,,,ヽ,,,,_, \
/ ./" ヽ, \
i / ノ ヽ
| / ヽ、 .}
l l:: ,-─-z,,::::::::.,-''~_、 /
ヽ.iヘ|、. -辷iメi f辷iァヽ,,,,,ノ
゙{ ! '' ノ,′ `ニ 、i.リ
O::... " ,(,,,⌒,,)、 )O
,,,!、ゝ ,,,,,, ,/ <Why myAA is broken. Try once more
/ ...ヽ、、''t─-─''",ノ,,..ヽ
ゝ,,,_;;;ヽ "'ー-'".ノ__,,,,ノ
,,ィ' ゙゙.ー-─'ト-、,,,,
,,,-ー'''"" | } ヽ、,,,__
./ .ヾ゙‐-,,,,,,,.--.ノ ゙i、
Could be because of Wakabamark:
I hate that behaviour because it messes up AA a lot.
You can tell the author of the software here what you think: