Bunch of stupid otaku-related questions.
How do you say 連打(RENDA) or 連射(RENSHA) in English?
2. Something like Evangelion's AT Field is commonly known as バリア or Barrier among Japanese subculture fans.
This term is used like バリアを張る or バリアを展開する. How do you translate them in English?
And, do you think Shield is more appropriate?
3. In Mecha anime, the pilot shouts 「○△◇システム、発動!」 when he starts special ability of the mecha.
How do you say 発動!(HATSUDOU) in English?
4. Are there English equivalents for 気合(KIAI), 気迫(KIHAKU), 気配(KEHAI) and 殺気(SAKKI)?
5. Do you know any English subculture-related terms that don't have Japanese equivalent?
6 .Unprintable word is written like ○○○○ or **** in Japanese.
Seems like %$#&* (<-something like this) is used in English.
Is there proper order for these characters?
7. Can you translate this conversation?
Aさん 「先輩、練習試合、よろしくお願いします」
Bくん 「こちらこそよろしくな」
Aさん 「まいりました」
Bくん 「お疲れさん」
C少佐 「どうやらうちのA子をかわいがってくれたようだね」
Bくん 「ここで決着つけるかい?」
8. What utility do English speakers use to decompress .LHA files?
9. Have you tried Bloodtype love predictions (blood typology)?
10. In conclusion, please note any grammatical mistakes or unnatual sentenses in this post.
Thank you very much.