引きこもりが集うスレ inUSA (33)

4 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-09-15 23:26 ID:yBFETsYT

Here's the straight dope, >>1:

In the United States, hikikomori are not allowed. As far as I know there are ZERO hikikomori anywhere. If you try to stay in your room and skip school, your parents will come in and beat you up! That's good old American discipline!

On the other hand, as well as kids are doing well in school, parents usually take let them do in their free time. So, we have:

  • Wotaku (アメリカのヲタク)
  • Furries (ケモノのオタク)
  • Wiccans (neo-religion)
  • Camwhores (teenage girls who pose on camera for horny Internet males)
  • Emo kids (hard to explain... emotional teenagers who show off their angst)

I would disagree with you. You can cut yourself off from social life, but you can't just hide in your apartment for months at a time.

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