watashi wa shitsumon suru ni tsuite no sensu no iraku. Do omou?
I'm probably asking all wrong, but what is it that people in japan think about the Iraq war? I'm curious to know what non-Americans think about what is going on in that country.
watasi wa nihonjin desu.
iraku sensou wa machigatte iru to omoimasu.
ga, nihon wa america no kerai nanode,
sitagawanaito ikenaino desu.
世界の秩序 (と自分たちが信じているもの) を守るためには手段を選ばない。
hai, iraku wa machigatte, ga bush-kun omouta bukira no shi(bakarashi!!!). itsu texas-jin meijishita, okomasu.
"bukira no shi" tte nani?
"okomasu" tte nani?
Bush is from Connecticut.
He lived in texas. He was governor of texas. He mispronounces things in a texan way. thus he is texan, not connecticut.
Bukira no shi was suppoed to mean WMDs (Waepons of mass distruction)
Okomasu = okoru (happen)
I was trying to say "what a Texan wants happens".
I'm still learning. orz.
Weapons of mass destruction = 大量破壊兵器(Tairyoh hakai heiki)
Waepons of mass distruction = 大漁破戒平気
oh. ok. Whatever they're called, they weren't in Iraq.
Weapons of mass distraction = 大量注意散漫兵器