メイドさんたちはお金の為にお客さんに優しくしてから意味ねーじゃねーか? お客さんを見下ろすかもしれない。お前が見てない時タバコを吸うかもしれない。それで満足か?
If I ever go to japan, the first and only thing I'm going to do is to go to a maid cafe.
i would like to go too, but im afraid if they would look at me strange cause i am the only foreginer there.
Post in English, please.
The most important concept of maid cafe is "mutual confidence".
WRs (WaitResses=maids) trust customers and customers trust WRs.
WRs respect customers and customers respect WRs.
WRs love their shop and customers also love the shop.
Customers pay money, but it's not for foods. It's for the atmosphare and the circumstance WRs produce.
Maid Cafe is ultimate escapist place. Your everyday life may be tough, but when you are in Maid Cafe, you can, or should, forget all the troubles you have. WRs will do their best to relax you, with dreamy sweets and arguably the most loveliest uniform in the world, maid costume. So customers are expected to support WRs effort to create the relaxing atmosphare. What customers must not do is being insolently. It's true that the one who pay money is customer, but in a sense, the one who serve is also customer. That's the uniqueness of Maid Cafe.
I don't think being gaijin customer isn't any problem. But gaijin tend to chat in a loud voice that other customers feel annoying. Be a gentle "Master", and try to entertain WR a bit if you can. WR will be pleased, and their smile must be priceless.
世の中カネで人が動いてるんだよ 何でもね
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Maid cafe - sounds good.
I've never seen maid cafe, but I wanna be there - - - - with a bull whip.
Favorite maids may be found. Available to go ?
(*^v^)y- ~~~~
Please answer my quetion,
Is Puffy really popular in the United States?
In Japan, It is said that they have a high popularity in the United States.
What is puffy? Do you have a picture?
(I'm not American though)
↑こいつらがPuffy AmiYumi。
cartoon networkで自分らのアニメ持ってるくらいだし、
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Puffy? I've never heard of her before. There is a show called "Hi hi Puffy AmiYumi" or something, though.
TOKYO (Reuters) - "Welcome home, Master," says the maid as she bows deeply, hands clasped in front of a starched pinafore worn over a short pink dress.
This maid serves not some aristocrat but a string of pop-culture-mad customers at a "Maid Cafe" in Tokyo's Akihabara district, long known as a Mecca for electronics buffs but now also the center of the capital's "nerd culture."