can anyone please translate this page for me? (3)

1 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2006-02-25 20:55 ID:nNpeBSlD

i need it really badly. It's about the one-click porn site in Japan. They will just have a popup window that says by clicking okay you agree to be a member, etc, and they charage like 80000 en or so for the membership fee.

I didn't see the popup box and just clicked okay, so please someone, please translate this page for me!

2 名前: MistressSayuri 2006-02-26 01:03 ID:c28NEiyl

Don't worry basically, especially you don't live in Japan.
It is set by disregarding in most cases.
I don't translate whole of the page, so I am not good at English very well.
The page says, roughly:
-- List of one-click swindle site
-- What is the one-click swindle ?
-- What you have to do
-- FAQ
-- List of safty porn site

What you have to do:
Case 1: Just you were registered by clicking.

  • Disregard it.

Case 2: You were registered by clicking URL on a spam mail.

  • Disregard it. Just a charge bill may be sent with e-mail.
  • Move e-mail address, if necessary.

Case 3: You were registered by clicking URL on short mail within cellular phone.

  • You may have claim calls, but disregard them.

Case 4: You received charge bills by mail, not e-mail, or had claim calls
by phone at your home.

  • Ask police office, because they already know your address and/or phone number.

Case 5: Some one came your home or office to collect the charge.

  • Ask police office!

Case 6: You were sued.

  • Don't worry, you will win absolutely.

I guess your case is case 1 which IP-address and/or remote host are registered.
Excuse me, if the translation has any mistake.

3 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2006-02-26 01:36 ID:au5rpnYj

thank you so much for translating it to me!

you have no idea how grateful i am. thank you.

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