(1)Nightmare Cityを襲ったのは?
@管理AA A管理AI B管理人 Cナナシア
@左 A右 B太陽 C誰でもない
(3)how many names does Nanashia have?
@0 A7 B8 C9
(4)Can "Southern Cross" be heard in "Nightmare City"?
(5)Who did Fusa fight against in Nightmare City?
@モララー Aモナー Bつー C八頭身
(6)Does Imoja's brother like using the computer?
(1)Does Tsu have a knife?
ア Yes,he does.
イ No,he doesn't.
ウ Yes,she does.
エ No,she doesn't.
(2)Is Shii in the box?
ア Yes,she is.
イ No,it isn't.
ウ Yes,it is.
エ No,she isn't.
(3)How many names does Nanashia have?
ア He has no names.
イ He has seven names.
ウ He has eight names.
エ He has nine names.
(1) Giko got a sword in Nightmare City. What is it made of?
(2) Does Imoja have a gun in Nightmare City?
(3) There were artificial intelligences that manages Nightmare City.
Did all of them die?
Eima:Did you fight against Saitamas?
X:No,I didn't.
Eima:Did you fight against the bear?
X:Yes,I did.
Eima:Did you fight against Morara?
X:Yes,I did.
Eima:Did you fight against Nanashia?
X:No,I didn't.
Eima:Do you have brothers or sisters?
X:No,I don't.
Eima:Did you get the sword of water?
X:No,I didn't.
Eima:Are you the artificial intelligence that manages the city?
X:Yes,I am.
Eima:were you helped by Giko?
X:Yes,I was.