Nightmare Cityにおいて、次の出来事を起こった順番に並べよ。
(1)Giko heard,"Is it what you hope?"
(2)Remona,Nida and Borujoa overthrew Hattoshins.
(3)Mr Ichi and Onigiri were chased by three Hattoshins.
(4)Shii died.
(5)Fusa fell from the train.
(6)Fusa shouted to Giko,"The girl is an artificial intelligence."
(7)Anija was chased by Tsu.
(8)Neno overthrew Monar by his bazooka.
(9)Shii made a black long wall.
(10)Giko became a human.
(1) Yes?
(2) No?
(3) Yes
(4) Not in Nightmare City 1, but maybe in 2?
(5) Yes?
(6) No
(7) Yes
(8) わからない
(9) Yes
(10) Yes