「ソレ」は素敵なショウタイム (6)

1 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-07-26 10:34 ID:79Lxm7lr


The image song of Chika from Ichigo Mashimaro, "'Sore' wa Suteki na Showtime"--is it just me, or is this song subtly erotic?

When I hear some of the lyrics they just make me think of a sexual interpretation, and then after I start thinking about the song that way, even the ソレ in the title also seems to take on "that" kind of meaning. Maybe I just have a dirty mind?


2 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-07-26 11:28 ID:6vj86Qhf

I've never heard such a song.
But I'm sure you have a dirty mind.
You have to go to a Zen temple like Eiheiji and purify your mind.In the meantime,I'll take care of Chika chan to my heart's

3 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-07-26 16:08 ID:Heaven

pot, kettle, etc etc

4 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-07-26 20:07 ID:+sjFLauJ

Well, I freely admit that I find Chika hot, and that's probably one reason I think of sex when I hear her song.

Where can I get the lyrics to this song? There are some parts I can't make out. Maybe it will calm my mind to learn that the song isn't as dirty as I think. Or maybe it will just make me even more lustful for Chika...

5 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-07-28 04:00 ID:qblNe5Cv

I listened to the song and tried to transcribe the lyrics by ear:

やけに平和な朝 ???なシチュエーション
???をにらみつつ リダイアルのボタン押した
さっきから話中ばっか 一時間
なんとかしてよ ね神様
リピートする 絶望
リピートしろ 希望
声が聞きたい こんなに聞きたい
できるなら 最前列の土真中がいい
きっとつながる あなたにつながる
チケットは午後一時から ようやく開始する

There were two words I didn't know. The word in the first line sounds like うちこどく, but I don't know what that means or if it is a real word. Something 孤独? The word in the second line sounds like ちゅうあき; is it 中空き? Staring at empty space?

I don't think this song is dirty, but I think it's kind of emo for an elementary school girl. 千佳ちゃんってこんな寂しがり屋だったのか?

6 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-07-28 06:11 ID:qblNe5Cv

Never mind, after listening again the last line finally made sense to me. It's actually チケットは午後1時から予約開始です. Chika isn't being emo, she's just trying to order tickets to a concert :)

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