[VIP発]vixi.us[SNS] (5)

1 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-14 17:03 ID:20Rn2Ogh



2 名前: するんだあ : 2007-01-14 19:53 ID:0r52r2sw

I want to have sex with you

and murder you in your sleep

3 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-15 01:27 ID:pMH9J+Ju

I wanna hava sex with u
and kill you while you're sleepin'

4 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-15 01:52 ID:UjO11Vt2

I wanna have sex with you and choke you to death while you're in ecstacy.

       from kikuji to fuyuka

5 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-21 18:04 ID:20Rn2Ogh


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