Length of time needed to achieve fluency in the Japanese language. (38)

20 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-09-05 22:05 ID:1s/7MR6P

So I started to learn Japanese a week ago. Or rather I started learning Kanji. READING Kanji. I haven't bothered to learn how to write them. Does it really matter? I don't plan to live in Japan or something, so I'm not going to have to write them (per hand anyway, on a computer it doesn't matter, right?).
Here's the question though: Will it hurt me in the end? I only know around ~300 now, so I might as well start over if it really matters, but I don't see how if I just want to read them. Then again I don't want to be fucked after I spent weeks learning, so I want to make sure.

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