Length of time needed to achieve fluency in the Japanese language. (38)

25 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-07 22:15 ID:CwLGLW41

Kanji is the devil! Seriously, how many symbols do they need? 95% of the japanese language can be written in hirogana. Another 4.9% in Katakana.

They make it so difficult lol.

Sorry .... /rant off.

I have just started learning japanese myself.I'm older, and it seems to be more difficult than it should be. I won't give up on it, but I need to find my limits.

Same for you OP. Find your limits, strong points, weak points ... etc.

Then, you can work from there. My weak point seems to be memorizing the symbols. I am pretty good at remembering words, and pronounciation seems to come easily to me.

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