Having learned the verb 当たる about 6 months ago, I still don't really understand what it means when I find it in a sentence.
Does anyone have any links to pages which explain it?
The primary meaning in English in dictionaries, is 'hit'. I've never once seen an actual sentence where it has this meaning.
Goo helps a little with some examples:
But I'm having trouble turning those examples into an actual meaning (or even a few meanings) for the word...
Is this just something where I have to be exposed to it for a long time?
ぶんの なかで つかわれている いみは Goo じしょのとおりで まちがいありません。
では、なぜ こんなに いみが たように なるのか?というと えいごでいうと spotの いみが ふくまれているからです。
西日が部屋にあたる。(にしびが へやに あたる)Afternoon sun spot the room.
たき火にあたる。(たきびに あたる) (something) spot an open-air fire (at warm).
辞書にあたる。(じしょに あたる)spot〈a strange word〉in a dictionary.
ぎゃくに わたしの えいごのぶんぽうのほうが まちがっているとはおもいますが、まあ、そういうことです。
また、spotは にほんごにすると てらす という げんていてきな いみに なってしまうため
あたるを spotとは やくせません。
ですから じしょを ひいても そのぶんのなかでのいみしか でてこない というわけです。
It gets the winning number in a lottery.
The punishment is hit.
As for the examples on goo's dictionary page, they are idiomatic ones. And idioms are difficult to explain logically.
あたる basically means "someone or something goes (straight) to something else and touch/hit/crash into it."
あたる is an intransitive verb. Its variation あてる is a transitive verb that means "to make something go to something else and touch/hit/crash into it."
Various meanings have derived from あたる and あてる's original senses but they usually contain "hit", "come across", "make (something) contact with", "go and touch" to some extent.