Help with sentances (12)

1 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-08-28 13:21 ID:lDS24AIV

I was wondering how do you say these is japanese:

1. get changed (of clothes)

as in, for example, at 8am i get changed.

2. leave the house to catch the bus.

Thank you.

2 名前: りーチャン : 2007-10-13 09:30 ID:mpzeVXiS

"watashi wa kinaosu shimasu" perhaps? i am very bad at japanese but that was just a guess.
translation: I am to change clothes. or somethin x-x

"sono ie nomama basu ni noro utoshiteimasu." but unsure if its right...sorry, ^^ im still learning >_< sry i am of no help.

both are just id make sure...i attempted just as an exercise ^^; sry

3 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-14 02:09 ID:Heaven

Horrible. Open your grammar textbook and restart your study from the beggining.

4 名前: 外人様 : 2007-10-14 14:52 ID:NMAdH7Xg

1.着替える。 Kigaeru
8時に服を着替え。 Hachiji ni fuku o Kigae.
2.家を出る。(いってきます!) Uchi(Ie) o deru.

Learn to speak Japanese!

5 名前: りーチャン : 2007-10-14 18:48 ID:mpzeVXiS

T_T i tried, i cant learn if i dont make attempts. im the kind of person who learns from trial and error >_>

6 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-14 22:39 ID:Heaven

You don't learn Japanese from such pathetic attempts. I bet you're trying to learn it autodidactically.

7 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-14 22:52 ID:ra0MbYW/

am learning japanese, but i like to learn with a group, any of you guy interested, am a beginner, but i do understand a little

8 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-15 02:25 ID:1SIRXiTf

Not >>2 here, but I have to say, there's nothing wrong with being self taught. I've been teaching myself for just over a year, and while I may not have learned as much as I would have with a formal teacher, I've still learned quite a bit (for example, >>4 made perfect sense to me, and >>2 looked like a bunch of garbage).

A question regarding >>4 though, how do you know when to use いえ versus うち for 家?

9 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-15 02:34 ID:1SIRXiTf

>>8 here again with an addendum:
>>4 just says "leaving the house." To specify that you're leaving in order to catch the bus, would it be something like

10 名前: りーチャン : 2007-10-15 06:00 ID:mpzeVXiS

if there were lessons where i live id be able to to speak the language. at least i am making attempts rather than sitting around...

11 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-15 07:07 ID:Heaven

Maybe I should've elaborated. Simply understanding and reading is much easier to be self-taught than actually having a conversation (or writing - without an electronical device). Obviously conversation is best done with at least 2 people and with writing, you can do so much wrong. Take me for example, I understood your English post perfectly fine. When I speak english, though, or even write, it might end up sounding like ass and poo.

As for いえ vs うち, you use うち when talking about your own home and いえ when generally speaking. A native speaker's input would be appreciated, though.

12 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-15 09:45 ID:jOREVDQp


What's nice about Japanese is that when it's right, it usually sounds right - and this does not sound right.

As for the question, I'd use バスを乗るために家を出る. ために expresses purpose, order: I do X in order to do Y. In this case, you're leaving the house in order to catch (noru is actualy ride, I don't know a verb that would correspond to "catch") the bus. However, in Japanese, it's reversed - you put the desired result first, add tame ni (or no tame ni if it's a noun) and then the action you're undertaking to achieve that goal.

Here's a good reference for the construction "tame (ni)":

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