Tell me about where you live, and I'll tell you about where I live! (11)

1 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-26 21:58 ID:GRuQUFkH

I'd like to know all about the town where you live! I live in a small town called Mill Valley, which is near San Francisco, California, USA. It's called "Mill Valley" because it's in a valley next to a small mountain, Mount Tamalpais, where there was a lot of logging. After the trees were cut, they would float down the river to a mill in the middle of town, where they would be processed. The mill is still there, but it hasn't been used for many years.

The town is very rich, and there are many wealthy people with big houses up in the hills and fancy cars. Some of them are nice, but I find most of them very snobby and annoying. It's a very beautiful town, though, and I live right next to an old cemetery and trails that go to the beach, to old gun implacements from World War II, and there's even one trail that goes to a Zen temple in the forest! It's one of the largest Zen temples in America, but it's not actually very big. ^_^;

The mountain, Mount Tamalpais, is very beautiful, and some of my friends live there. It's famous for being the place where mountain biking was invented.

If you have any questions, please ask!

What's your town like?

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