Let's stop masturbation【オナ禁しようぜ】 (109、永久sage)

1 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-11-23 17:34 ID:3iBY2jnA

If you stop the masturbation.

1.The skin becomes beautiful.
2.The skin becomes difficult to become a skin disease.
3.The face becomes comparatively good.
4.The waking becomes good.
5.The character becomes outgoing.
6.The baldness recovers or not become the baldness .

probably only for men and nocturnal emission is no problem.

2 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-11-23 17:34 ID:3iBY2jnA

☆general☆【3 months or more】

☆lieutenant general☆【2 months or more】

☆major general☆【1 month or more】

■colonel■【26th day 〜 30th day】

■lieutenant colonel■【21st day 〜 25th day】

■major■【16th day 〜 20th day】

△captain△【11th day 〜 15th day】

△first lieutenant△【8th 〜 1oth day】

△second lieutenant△【1st day 〜 7th day】


It is the 0th day as for the day masturbated at the end.

For example

name【0th day】
after 5days
name【5th day】

3 名前: yellow asshole【reset→0th day】 : 2007-11-23 17:37 ID:3iBY2jnA

I will do my best together.

4 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-11-23 18:34 ID:A8QPWV43

Let me just say to you all that anything is healthy in moderation. In fact, masturbation, if practiced properly, can make you a better lover. The longer you can keep yourself from coming, even if you are at the point right before orgasm, the longer you will be able to enjoy sex. Your girlfriend or wife will definitely appreciate it too. Go ahead and try it, just don't masturbate every day, you will feel more satisfied when you do it.

5 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-11-23 18:35 ID:A8QPWV43

I forgot, type "kegel exercises" into google.

6 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-11-23 21:28 ID:Heaven

Lies. Don't believe >>1!

7 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-11-27 02:15 ID:3iBY2jnA

You must not do that dick head

8 あぼーん

9 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-12-05 03:21 ID:Heaven

I just masturbated.

10 名前: 熱き鼓動【0th day】 : 2007-12-17 20:08 ID:tJ7y7030

Great project! Let us together break free from addiction.

11 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-12-18 07:16 ID:Heaven


12 名前: asshole 【reset→0th day】 : 2007-12-26 15:35 ID:Heaven

I have "done"....

You must do it!!

13 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-12-26 19:29 ID:AQTFK1ty


14 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-12-27 01:39 ID:s9f2Y97i

if you do not ejaculate at least once a month, you run the risk of urinary tract infections and greatly increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Masturbation is ok, but don't do it too much.

15 名前: 11 : 2007-12-27 12:18 ID:Heaven


16 名前: tensai : 2007-12-27 13:19 ID:x/3pUnix

I just lost the game!

17 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-12-27 13:41 ID:CIHN6/kh

is 3 times a day too much?

18 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-12-27 15:04 ID:Heaven

lol,Are you puberty kid?

19 あぼーん

20 名前: retard JAP【20th day】!.CzKQna1OU : 2007-12-27 17:09 ID:7rJ5cZN4


21 名前: onakin master【∞days】!JRns1avdfM : 2007-12-27 17:11 ID:7rJ5cZN4

Please fillout
name【days】#favorite code
# is half size
good luck guys

22 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-12-28 22:09 ID:Heaven


I have found no medical literature that says that masturbating "too much" has any negative repercussions. No literature even attempts to define what "too much" is.

23 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中【0hours】!020qzM9atw : 2007-12-29 15:23 ID:s0KO1im7


24 名前: s[1 day]!Y1fL27MchY : 2007-12-30 14:12 ID:pULIpGC+

i'm in

25 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-01 07:48 ID:CnPF0td0

3 times a day? amateur.

26 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-01 11:55 ID:Heaven

If I try it more than once per day it hurts.

27 名前: s[3 days]!Y1fL27MchY : 2008-01-01 12:33 ID:pULIpGC+

going strong.
might try and go for a year. or at least this month.

28 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-01 21:33 ID:Xb+nDjD9

てか masturbation is actually proven healthy for the body. たしかに性欲などをincreaseさせすぎて精神的に問題が発する事はあるけどgenerally there are no repercussions to it.

29 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-03 00:05 ID:kB/FHT2Q


No psychical problems, maybe.

but if you make it too important, it can impact your life.

You can also miss out on other things in life.

30 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-03 01:17 ID:L8u/K6kn

I masturbate way too much. Japan, why are your women so nice to look at D:

31 名前: s[5 days]!Y1fL27MchY : 2008-01-03 12:32 ID:r8xEeatS

losing count of how many days >_>

but still, although it can be difficult at times to resist urges.. still going. :]

Is anyone else doing this seriously?

32 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-04 07:18 ID:Heaven

I sometimes go more than a couple weeks without even trying... It's just a matter of having something else interesting to do.

33 名前: s[6 days]!Y1fL27MchY : 2008-01-04 13:30 ID:f5UoiTpm

>>32 true true.
boredom is bizarrely a leading factor for when I did it.

34 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-04 15:38 ID:Heaven

35 名前: s[8 days]!Y1fL27MchY : 2008-01-06 09:21 ID:wDQTKwxa

owning at this :D

36 名前: TheVeryBest【1th day】 : 2008-01-07 12:34 ID:oCN5IrwM

Yay, I'm a 2nd lieutenant!

37 名前: TheVeryBest【0th day】 : 2008-01-07 13:27 ID:oCN5IrwM

What?! Promotions got me demoted?! :(

38 あぼーん

39 名前: 04 SEVILLE 【reset】!v5hnFXHY.c : 2008-01-21 16:13 ID:oFYHWog0

I participate in nice race
It has done again today

I am not employment
Japanese regular gasoline is 1 gallon 5.50
it is very expensive

so my car have high octane gasoline
But gasoline tax cuts the price

CADILLAC SEVILLE can not buy in Japan
It can not buy a new car anymore in Japan

I do not want to do onanie

You know "onanie" is German

40 名前: 04 SEVILLE 【2nd days】!v5hnFXHY.c : 2008-01-23 08:37 ID:M+t1/Alm


41 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-24 07:54 ID:Ay6XJBAu

Shit. I just fapped, and then came to check on /moon/. Can I still entar? I'm a sick person. ;_;

42 名前: onakin master : 2008-01-24 19:06 ID:DVnLOY2j

If you desert the front line
Please fill out "your name【retire】" in the form

And if you will continue that
Please fill out "your name【reset】" in the form

reset is "0th day" and you acted the day

43 名前: ARTERIAL【reset】!0nAnLGomX2 : 2008-01-26 06:02 ID:bX/JmUaD

I don't do absolute that anymore m9(^A^)

44 名前: aars【reset】 : 2008-01-27 04:40 ID:Ay6XJBAu

Okay, here goes NOTHING. I'm going to miss you, penis.

45 名前: nice boat【reset】!7oihfq6idw : 2008-01-27 16:42 ID:bX/JmUaD

I've also done that again again again again again again

(-_-) Please become goooooooooooooood my body

orz I pray pray pray pray

46 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-27 18:43 ID:L8u/K6kn

brb masturbating

47 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-28 06:23 ID:OL9Ek3y4

So basically for me today is day 0.

48 名前: aars【reset】 : 2008-01-28 13:44 ID:Ay6XJBAu

Fuck. How the fuck do you cut down on this shit? I made it so that I couldn't watch any porn that I had saved, I keep myself from anything on the web, and I even stopped playing games with fappable characters. But whenever there's just a bit of spare time I end up whipping out my cock and start hitting it like the fist of the north star.

49 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-29 04:14 ID:lhE4mVcg

You can watch erotic video
but you should not do onanie then

maybe our cock are very nice
wow ! very nice penis

50 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-30 03:09 ID:Heaven



51 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-30 15:15 ID:Uw8KMD8E

There are nice penises and two big balls

52 あぼーん

53 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-31 10:21 ID:ah9mxO3O

Pretty useless stick and balls.

54 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-02-01 12:09 ID:OL9Ek3y4

△second lieutenant△【1st day】

I am second lieutenant! YES!

55 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-02-01 19:22 ID:n6MU0DJu

Don't be patient hard for it.
You can do that sometime.

I tried to stop doing it for 2 weeks. But, I've given up.

56 名前: nice boat【5th days→retire】!7oihfq6idw : 2008-02-02 01:35 ID:af/GrbZ5

I was hired good job
So I desert the front line

Thank you very much dear >>1
I could achieve my purpose


American gasoline is not expensive (^-^)

57 名前: nice boat【5th days→retire】!7oihfq6idw : 2008-02-02 01:42 ID:af/GrbZ5

my wiener has very many many nutrient

"BALDNESS" and "skin disease" was cured this month

              _ - ¨ ̄`ヽ、___      
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        ヘ::::l  !xx   、     xxx  //l`´
         ヽ!  '.           / / |      I love myself
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         /―- 、_:`l i l´ ̄.: : : : : : : :\_

58 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-02-06 08:10 ID:dLAzIuBp

oh yeah well then you are just nice guy

59 名前: slpr : 2008-02-06 12:52 ID:zaOZhFMK

■colonel■【29th day】
Broken arms was helpful :D

60 名前: BMW320i【3rd day】!unohRmRAQg : 2008-02-07 23:03 ID:nSTey1pj

TOYOTA is not pupular right?

61 名前: abc【3rd day】!GmgU93SCyE : 2008-02-15 03:28 ID:G5DztUld

I am life

62 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-02-22 22:57 ID:N+zcsjGL

>>1 は日本人?

63 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-02-23 07:27 ID:Heaven


64 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-02-25 04:02 ID:BsS2Vm6W

For me, masturbation is something to live for.
I masturbate al least once a day and 5 times is my best record.

65 あぼーん

66 あぼーん

67 あぼーん

68 あぼーん

69 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-03-09 01:26 ID:Heaven

I know a guy who chose not to masturbate for religious reasons. He was eventually hospitalized with severe prostate inflammation. The doctors prescribed regular masturbation to keep the problem from returning.

The simple fact is that ejaculation is necessary for a man's health. If he can't achieve this through sex, he'll have to do it himself.

70 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-04-13 21:29 ID:EJMACWbb

Shinjirannee-, konna sure ga arunda... Fukaku ochitana

71 名前: Opus!saW53iXkeM : 2008-04-13 23:29 ID:i6fUxgRg

Masturbation is the only thing good in my life

72 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-04-20 08:35 ID:L8jEBtDE

Fuck you JAP yellow asshole
You should kill yourself dick face

73 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-04-20 13:00 ID:L8jEBtDE

Fuck you retard JAP
Fukcing suck yellow asshole
get out here dumbass
what the hell is that son of a bitch ?

74 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-04-20 13:01 ID:L8jEBtDE

I think so too
>>63 can go screw himself stupid asshole

75 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-04-20 13:02 ID:L8jEBtDE


76 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-04-20 13:02 ID:L8jEBtDE


77 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-04-21 07:34 ID:Heaven

Wow, 5 posts in a row in the same thread from the same guy. It looks like somebody has just lost his job.

Did you wear a dress to the office or something?

78 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-04-26 18:03 ID:Heaven


79 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-04-27 02:46 ID:HtDU8MwT

Wow, Bashing Japanese people in a board about...Japan...
[sarcasm] GREAT IDEA 72-75! [/sarcasm]

80 名前: 米男 : 2008-04-27 06:08 ID:d1ElIW+S

If America is 米国, then we are 米人. We speak 米語. And I am 米男.

Please call me 米男. I wish to meet beautiful and intelligent 日本女 so that she and I can masturbate together.

81 名前: 63 : 2008-04-27 11:53 ID:Heaven


82 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-05-01 22:06 ID:L8jEBtDE


83 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-05-01 22:11 ID:L8jEBtDE

but almost all american people have beef all meal
so they must have three times vegetables
oh ! men~~~~~~~
do they like a chlorophyll juice ?

rice is nice food

84 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-05-01 22:12 ID:L8jEBtDE

calm down >>74

85 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-05-02 06:56 ID:Heaven



86 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-05-03 16:48 ID:L8jEBtDE

You should kill yourself atupid asshole
Fuck you JAP yellow asshole
what the hell is that son of a bitch
Fuck off lost off dick face

87 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-05-04 04:46 ID:WbV92/cL

honkie,honky lily screw you

88 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-05-04 10:45 ID:Heaven


89 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-05-06 20:29 ID:OEjh3QXe

My favorite troll.

90 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-05-12 01:55 ID:L8jEBtDE

you know you are retard JAP
well you should kill yourself dick face
Fuck you JAP yellow asshole

what the hell is that dumbass JAP ?

91 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-05-12 19:08 ID:c/Zbo5hX

do not talk like a anime character. this is not how normal people talk.

92 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-05-13 07:44 ID:Heaven

What's your problem, anyway? Did I say something to offend you?

If I did, then tell me what it was so I can say it some more.

93 名前: Resident Amerexican : 2008-05-14 04:26 ID:XMsyqFIC

He's trolling, and he's definitely Japanese. I can tell because he
types sort of
like this
and doesn't
let the board
do it for him
2channel makes you do it

94 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-06-04 15:49 ID:L8jEBtDE

>>85 is real handicaper
so he is retard JAP
he should kill himself
and he is stupid 2channeler

stupid asshole , dick face
he fool
fuck he bastard


95 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-06-04 15:56 ID:L8jEBtDE

that 2 channel is where derelict moron insane and hang out

fuck JAP yellow asshole
well retard Jap can go screw themself stupid assholes

96 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-06-05 06:47 ID:qi+VebF7

>>2 Channel is where insane morons hang out. Fuck those yellow Jap assholes, Those assholes can go fuck themselves sideways.

You're welcome.

97 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-06-05 07:20 ID:9dirdkwy

誰が障害者だこの在日ニューハーフめ! 無職板に帰れよ

98 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-06-05 17:30 ID:Heaven

...what happened in this thread?

99 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-06-05 21:36 ID:Heaven

I am a fan of >>95.

100 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-06-06 06:56 ID:AX02ak5B

fuck derelict JAP u r sux more
cock then Aku Tojyo u
fuckn faggut

101 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-06-06 11:27 ID:Heaven

Aku Tojyoって誰?

102 名前: ag : 2008-06-11 16:01 ID:Heaven


103 名前: Ayuuu【1day】!Zp17ju8yw2 : 2008-06-15 07:04 ID:i1xqv6mT

I hope I can make it to tomorrow.

104 名前: Ayuuu【0days】!Zp17ju8yw2 : 2008-06-15 13:11 ID:i1xqv6mT

Damn you Hotary-san ._.

105 名前: 名無しさん : 2008-08-26 04:07 ID:GbEujtIz

hmm i am japanese, too, and i have no grudge against my race, but please japanese people, if everyone's writing in english, please write in english as well. dont write in japanese because that can let us down and sometimes make people mad.

im just making a suggestion, so if u cuss me out, u are an complete asshole.

106 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-12-11 02:32 ID:vKybw6b2

ID:Heaven is dick face
you must kill yourself fucking retard
well you can go screw yourself stupid asshole

107 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2009-01-05 00:05 ID:vKybw6b2

ID:Heaven must stay north korea or south korea
heaven ? wwwwwwww. what the hell is stupid ID?
you go to hell retard korean

do not come in Japan fucking retard

108 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2009-06-30 00:11 ID:5RLcNNzo

I think so too

109 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2010-08-30 18:30 ID:vhI0g+3q

I can get awesome life

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