Hi guys
I find one of the reasons I'm not able to converse in Japanese even though I can; is because I don't know what to talk about to my Japanese teachers...
Usually with people who speak my own language (english);
a topic/subject of conversation would either be about school or home; general things.
But what to talk about to a Japanese teacher?
Any suggestions?
why not just talk about those same things then?
>>2 Any topics other than those that I mentioned? (Ó_Ò )
Do you find quantum physics an easy topic to talk about in Japanese? Why do you need different topics?
>>5 So that I wouldn't run out of things to talk about...
If you can't even think about a topic to talk about yourself, you will run out things anyway.
Talk to your teacher about desu.
Is it that you're having trouble thinking of things you want to and KNOW HOW to say?
It's harder to speak in a different language because you don't always have to knowledge to say everything you'd like to, which, obviously, isn't a problem for someone in their own language.
If that's not it, though, then really you're just over-thinking things. Talk about current events, weather, friends, or even things relating to Japan-- things like that.