The Japanese government in Japan to incinerate contaminated with radioactive debris,
Are trying to spread radioactive materials around the world.
I go further pollution of the earth as it is.
Please please stop the Japanese government.
We have not stopped the Japanese people.
Japan has announced its bid to host the world table tennis.
However, they are absolutely useless held in Japan.
The Japanese government around the contaminated debris Hukushima
I tried to burn across the nation.
When burned in parts of Japan were contaminated with radioactive debris,
Radioactive contamination in the entire nation of Japan.
There is no safe place in Japan.
The Japanese government is wrong.
World wide, please be careful.
. -―- . やったッ!! さすがリティ!
/ ヽ
// ', 並みの監督に想像もできない事を
| { _____ | 平然とやってのけるッ!
(⌒ヽ7´ ``ヒニ¨ヽ
ヽ、..二二二二二二二. -r‐''′ そこにシビれる!
/´ 〉'">、、,,.ィ二¨' {. ヽ _ _ あこがれるゥ!
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