Resources about how to stop self-mutilation (31)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-03 14:38 ID:leqW4ymQ

Trying to find resources on how to stop self-mutilation/self-injury; I've been having a relapse lately (after 3 years of being off it) and I'm having trouble getting back out of it.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-03 16:27 ID:ns73Jr6x

You people...

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-03 16:45 ID:VLHY6JJi

put a rubber band around your wrist. when you feel like you want to injur yourself, pull it and snap it against your wrist instead!

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-03 19:53 ID:pYHPuVfc

I started cutting recently, feels good. What kind of self-injury are we talking about here?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-03 19:57 ID:ns73Jr6x


6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-03 21:36 ID:n2xOKa1u

Why the fuck bother? I may spend my hours with anime and film and gaming, but it makes me happy. Get a hobby other than self-mutilation, something to entertain you.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-03 23:02 ID:leqW4ymQ

I have an active social life, a girlfriend, and plenty of friends, but... it's a means of releasing stress and frustration for me.

I'll try it; that's a really good idea!

8 Name: Troll!!6MhJ5+eg : 2006-08-03 23:52 ID:g1a/SrXt

>>7, masterbate, think happy thoughts.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-04 01:50 ID:G6PVYJP7

If you can draw, It's better to destroy pictures of yourself then yourself.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-04 02:52 ID:Heaven

How to stop? Put down the fucking razor blade, that's how.
That, or just outright kill yourself, you'd be doing the rest of us a favor. TIA.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-04 05:03 ID:G578XBns

If you were superman you wouldnt be bothered by razors
but since i assume you're not superman, i suggest a psyciatrist..
a familiy member of mine had the same kind of "hobby" and it worked out well.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-04 06:45 ID:Heaven

Photographs might work too.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-04 18:15 ID:Heaven



P S Y C I A T R I S T . .

14 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-29 20:35 ID:RDBuzSqv

God, cutting feels so great. I wonder why I don't do it daily.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-30 23:48 ID:LalyesbZ

You do this because you feel a sense of relief from the short adrenaline rush. Do something else that gives you the feel of adrenaline, such as some kind of sport. Team sport is suggested.

I used to self-harm. The doctors are fucking shit, seriously, they're stupid. I had to do my own research and help myself. I don't really know how I stopped, I just knew it was a problem and I threw everything away and kept myself away from sharp objects. Distraction, distraction, distraction.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-01 07:25 ID:Heaven

Actually many people report so-called 'antidepressants' tend to increase self-destructive and suicidal urges.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-01 14:50 ID:SmzMvf55

Maybe they should move this thread to the new Personal Issues board. I know, I suicide shit, but if this doesn't qualify as a "personal issue", I don't know what does.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-13 05:23 ID:zIFcjSC6

I´m being curious; What kind or knifes or sharp objects you use to mutilate yourself? Do you by any chance name those objects or sort by some other way? Do you feel that you´re intimate "relationship" to these objects?

19 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-16 00:13 ID:UmTzE3c4

? r u training to be a psyciatrist..

20 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-16 05:33 ID:zIFcjSC6

Let´s say I have certain knowledge of the topic at hand.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-04 03:34 ID:jbMP7BO7

I've been taking Prozac for a few weeks and started cutting myself on tuesday.

I use a one sided razor blade. It's not named or anything, but when I lost it today and found an identical one, I was hesitant to use it... I'm gonna go beat the hell out of my legs with an old heavy modem.

Now the question I came here to ask: What is the name of that garment I see all the other emokids wearing on their forearms to hide their cut marks, and where can I get some?

22 Name: krystal : 2007-04-30 19:16 ID:W1pPHeeU

im still a cutter, i have scars all over, i cant stop cutting, i cant stop, im manicdepressive and bi polar but im not here to share a storey, maybe sum one can help, ive been cutting for 6 years.....

23 Name: かやしゅ : 2007-04-30 20:13 ID:KdHRD+yv


Now, people who cut themselves really have issues. I don't understand why you'd get an adrenaline rush from that, other than seeing how your own skin and flesh is torn apart in the event, and blood is being spilt. Your own blood.

I fail to see how one can damage their body, the same body that carries you around in life. The body that holds your thoughts, your memories, your dreams, your emotions and your feelings.
The body that enables you to see so much of the world, to experience the world and its essences of life.

But I guess I could be wrong. Why not, eh?

24 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-30 22:45 ID:WrcL0deo

maybe get a punchbag? smack it about really hard, let out your pent up stress, and you'll get a feeling of pain from it without the dangers of cutting or any scars associated with it

oh, and im guessing what you mean by those emo wristbands are sweatbands, like tennis players use? they do them in all emo colours and stuff now. ive seen some people tie a bandana around their wrists and forearms as well. but really, please try and get away from doing it. it would be so much better to not even have scars than to have to cover them up in such an obvious way

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27 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-29 00:41 ID:FVSMVcp5

I know one way to over come any kind of addictive behavior is exercise. It gives you a healthy adrenaline rush, and you can be distracted from the addiction. It gives you such great endorphines and helps alot of victims of depression overcome this disorder.

28 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-29 10:21 ID:5/jRRtlu

You should probably think about changing the type of counseling (if any) you are currently receiving,...

Have you informed anyone besides 4ch about your relapse?

29 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-30 10:31 ID:o2tsHLM+

buy plastic cutlery

30 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-16 12:32 ID:11I8MDS7

OP, check out They have a real nice forum. I post there and it's very helpful.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-18 06:32 ID:qvsVNCjP

quality professional therapy for all cutters would be good.

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