I need some new friends. (44)

1 Name: RustyPenny : 2006-09-27 13:09 ID:ZjGNevbb

My current friends, well...they are okay, but I just want to start over with some new friends. Sometimes I just want to do or go somewhere cool and they are either lazy or not willing. I would just make some during school but right now I'm taking an alternative to that because I need to work a lot and save up for something I want to do in my future. I am 18 by the way.

What's the best place to meet some? My hobbies are anime, video games, comics, DDR, skateboarding, and everything really. I also stay in shape and weight lift since I want to become a professional athlete. I just need some new people to hang out with because with my current friends it's always disappointing.

I have no problem making friends but now that I'm not up at the school, I just don't know...where.

2 Name: RustyPenny : 2006-09-27 13:12 ID:ZjGNevbb

And I thought about using myspace but I don't like that. I'd rather go out and meet people, talk to them, instead of using AIM or something. Lol. It's not the same really.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-27 13:50 ID:Heaven

Friends suck.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-27 15:05 ID:+ouRD+d0

I'd be your friend, except that your nickname is pretty gay and your dream of becoming a professional athlete is amusing considering your hobbies.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-27 21:34 ID:Heaven

Guys/Same person, just STFU or GFTO, preferrably both.

Most friends I have are from school, those which I not are people I met while doing things I do as a hobby. Just try to talk to some people that do the same things you do, you'll probably become friends pretty fast.

6 Name: RustyPenny : 2006-09-27 22:13 ID:KxMnrvmj

Thanks. I'll try that. I hope to get enrolled into a school and start training soon, maybe I'll wait until then? Kudos to anyone who knows what the hell I'm talking about.

Yah, I don't fit the stereotype (no one really does once you get to know them). I take that as a compliment.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-28 00:24 ID:4mCkT0IS

>>1-7 same person

8 Name: RustyPenny : 2006-09-28 03:30 ID:XDxTt+ft

You know what, forget it. This is getting real retarded. I just asked where was a place to meet some new people and some people come in here trying to be funny. I'll just take my chances out there instead of asking on some message board.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-28 03:45 ID:kIH3WaFO

You should have known better than to ask us.

No one here goes outside or has friends! Just look at all the suicide/hikki/bottling threads.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-28 04:44 ID:0Kgoyude

Trolls? On MY 4-ch?

It's more likely than you think!

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-28 09:38 ID:Heaven

It's funny how people have been discussing how to make 4-ch more popular, but here we are chasing people off.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-28 10:20 ID:aQs03u+X

Let's get to 1000 by new friends

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-28 12:25 ID:Heaven

We don't want people looking for friends you fool.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-28 17:11 ID:Heaven

Go back to DQN or GTFO, kthxbai.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-28 17:48 ID:Heaven

Stop trolling please.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-29 16:13 ID:Jp4QB6af

I'll be your friend!! (◉A◉)

17 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-29 17:32 ID:wKVhRIeP

I consider this thread a success

18 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-29 17:34 ID:Ywd7HuVe

ask at 2ch

19 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-29 22:38 ID:6p4qlyDb

I'll be your friend, then get you drunk and have sex with you.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-29 23:43 ID:PcIWCvAW

I'm currently in the same situation as you. If you found out anything in the time since your post, please let me know. I have no idea where to start, either..

21 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-30 01:54 ID:Heaven

seriously, we need a "life or lack thereof" board

22 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-30 02:32 ID:qqMTjcXW

maybe a Not4-ch should be made for like things like this and emo gonna kill myself stuff

23 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-30 02:41 ID:Heaven


Like not4chan? that would be really hilarious

24 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-30 03:39 ID:ND2Kt9Gs

I am ur friend ^__^

25 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-30 23:39 ID:kYKpUs6R

You could try parties.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-01 16:04 ID:N8XsIrKG

best place? why 4ch of course! -_-;

27 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-01 21:00 ID:lDcBrRwu


28 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-10 06:14 ID:LrzdLUeG

active friends? have you tried a sports team or club?

29 Name: TheCat : 2006-10-21 16:52 ID:qJEX6aEs

Try to find something where there are lots of people that have to talk together like theatre lesson. Other thing, I met lots of good friends when I was Young, when I decided to help in a team for Anime Fansub. I met these guys and girls in real life and even today i appreciate them like friends met in school

30 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-22 18:14 ID:zlR5l9sD

By the sound of it, you may be looking for different kind of friends than the ones you are with for the time beeing? Maybe you are outgrowing them? ppl mature differently. Some stay mentally and emotionally like kids for years. The difference can be very visible in the 14 to 20 year age group. >>29 is onto something important. Instead of lowering yourselv down, maybe you should start seking out an environment where you'd have to grow to fit in?

31 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-24 14:57 ID:QaBfGEs9

The big problem today is that people believe that You can make some friends in a wink of an eye !! But it's totally wrong ! if you stay in your house waiting for a miracle, it will never come !! So U have to find solutions, where to meet new friends, friends who have the same hobby than You! Think Positive ! and never Give up !

32 Name: fart man : 2007-01-04 11:27 ID:lstWh9qy

My hobbies are anime, video games, comics, DDR, skateboarding,
and everything really. I also stay in shape and weight lift

well, nobody wants muscular otaku..

33 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-06 03:44 ID:OO3D7sqn

friends are out of your house.

34 Name: yuka : 2007-01-06 14:01 ID:L6xSHBzu

>>1 We have the similar hobbies except for the skateboarding and the DDR part.


35 Name: fart man : 2007-01-06 16:24 ID:lstWh9qy

really? thank you very much for making friends with me.

36 Name: yuka : 2007-01-07 10:13 ID:QzlVHVHG

>>35 uhh yeah! Friends!

37 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-07 10:55 ID:Heaven


This is rather stupid. It's clear to me this anonymous forum isn't a place to make friends. All the weights and odds are against it. The last thing I want here is to make friends.

38 Name: yuka : 2007-01-07 11:01 ID:QzlVHVHG

>>37 You must be the same person who replied to the "I love my mom" thread. You're probably this sad guy at home who doesn't even have any friends? Why do you even bother posting in a place like this anyway? No offense, but that's how I see your posts.

39 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-08 03:24 ID:Heaven


We see your true colour.

You are a very negative person.

40 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-08 08:02 ID:Heaven

can we have people posting Anonymously again this forum? so idiots like above stop posting useless shit?
especially yuka and fartman, i'm starting to tune out as soon as i see these names.

41 Name: yuka : 2007-01-08 09:33 ID:/KqWNPUr

>>41 you have such a big problem. Really, you do. You're so sad to look at.

42 Name: SOO-DA : 2007-01-08 12:08 ID:NWPaQ/eB

You can make friends anywhere and at anytime it just really depends on the people you meet. You're lucky if you meet an outgoing person who does all the befriend for you while there are others you have to make an effort to get to know them. I think a friendship only lasts when the two people are compatible. So if you're just looking for friends to hang out with, I think it's easier to find where as long life friendships are much harder to forge.

( ̄▽ ̄)v

43 Name: SOO-DA : 2007-01-08 12:09 ID:NWPaQ/eB

*befriending (._____.)

44 Name: fart man : 2007-01-10 09:08 ID:lstWh9qy

[i'm starting to tune out as soon as i see these names]
ok, so u r leaving here arent u? bye.

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