Everytime I go out.... (43)

33 Name: Strawberry Cake : 2006-12-11 01:58 ID:EqgRPsmi

I just want to say that I'm another girl that kinda understands what you feel OP. Perhaps not as bad, but I feel like I have bad social skills, too. While many of my school mates see me as a happy, friendly, person none of them know how awkward and lonely I feel. Unless I've known someone for a long time, I'm bad with conversation... and this leads me to either slinking off to the corner, or acting like a hyper person no one takes seriously, unless it deals with classwork. --

I've been feeling very lonely for months. There's no one I can really connect to, on or offline. Looking back to how I am at the art program I go to on Saturdays, I see that I barely talk to anyone there. I think I get too self-concious and whenever someone says something to me, I just laugh nervously and say something simple before reaching that awkward silence.. which I then skitter away from.

It's so very frustrating. I just want to make new, close, friends and I try to get myself out there to meet new people, but I'm too shy to say anything, and end up feeling to awkward and socially inept to keep up conversations with the people who do talk to me. And other things going on have been biting on my emotional state even further. e_e
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