[Kidult] Emotionally stunted at a much younger age [Hikikomori] (23)

18 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-26 15:56 ID:Heaven


>There are things that I do want to do it is just that I can never bring myself to do it.

Like what?

>>3, here. There was a time when I said the same thing. However, I then noticed that I was just wasting my life, and that even if I was going to be lazy/a social outcast, I could at least spend my time doing what I wanted to do, as to give myself a little more character.

I said "to hell with it," bleached and dyed my hair, taught myself the guitar (which I wanted to do for years), wasted $3000 on music equipment, took a trip to another country I've always wanted to visit, started buying and reading books I've always wanted to read, CDs I wanted to hear, Movies I wanted to see. I spent about $200 at my nearby movie festival this year, seeing about 3 movies a day. That's probably something I would have never done before.

I guess the main reason for the change was that I finally realized that I was an adult... and that I haven't done any of the things that I told myself I would when I "grew up."

Because of this, I'm a much less one-dimensional character. And it's given me more of a chance to meet and try to converse with people, though I still have a lot of work to do on that.

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