[Kidult] Emotionally stunted at a much younger age [Hikikomori] (23)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-14 16:26 ID:3sq5rBJk

>I don't mean to diminish your problems or anything (I'm sure things are rough for you), but I'm a little envious. I've never had a job, and it's certainly too late for college, so I doubt there's any hope for me ever landing a half-way decent job, or a job, period.

Haha, it's okay. I really don't consider them problems.

Are you in Americam? (Or rather, the USA?)

If so, there are job training programs that will place you in a job. They're usually up to the age of 21, for the youth programs (the better ones IMO). If you start off with that you'll have references and experience, so it'll be easier to find a another job afterwards. One of the jobs I had during high school was through them.

As for college, it's never too late. And you're only 19! you're not 51 or something. Hell, I'm 21 and I'm only finally about to transfer to a 4-year (as a third year student) next fall... and most of the college people I know are around my age and at the same level.

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