Insomnia... (7)

1 Name: 11 : 2006-12-10 03:28 ID:QCZeMyId

I'm fairly new to this, so please excuse me if I do something wrong. (^_^; I'm so bad with computers...

Lately, I haven't been able to sleep. I've had (undiagnosed) insomnia for the past two years, but in mid-2006, it disappeared... Now, I think it's back again. sad I don't really know how to describe it, but it feels like I'm so tired that I'm not sleepy...? (Haha, that's a little contradictory.)

I'm not sure what's causing it, though. I rarely drink soda or anything with a lot of sugar or caffeine, so that can't be it... It might be stress, but I'm not sure. I'd go see a doctor, but I don't really have enough money... (^_^;

Anyone have any ideas...?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-10 06:04 ID:KqDsGxOC

I'm no doctor , so i can't help ya. well , except eating yogurt might help you sleep. well it kinda makes me sleepy... donnu whats up with that.

3 Name: iori : 2006-12-11 07:11 ID:iu6nHXzm

Perhaps this site can help you? There are a lot of information that you can get on the internet. I hope you will eventually be able get a peaceful sleep. :)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-08 18:49 ID:Heaven

Taking a long and hot shower might get you sleepy.
Try eating and drinking before you go showering though.

5 Post deleted by moderator.

6 Name: ... : 2007-05-22 04:16 ID:StroAEqr

I have just about the same issue.
what makes me sleepy is listening to monotonous people talk for a few minutes.

7 Name: ... : 2007-06-12 00:55 ID:StroAEqr

also listening to loud music works for actually works...

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