Hi my name is Ian and I have a question (18)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-10 15:26 ID:TZtJd4rS

Hello my name is Ian Freely and I don't understand people. Like, seriously. So uh, answer me please.

Do you prefer to have devastating shit unleashed on your ass on a good day or bad day? Just in general.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-10 15:29 ID:TZtJd4rS

Oh right. I mean stuffs like "hay mom I just failed my senior year lol" and... you know, along that line.

3 Name: strong guy : 2006-12-10 15:30 ID:rnYPwWKO

I really don't understand what you mean

4 Name: strong guy : 2006-12-10 15:31 ID:rnYPwWKO

Sometimes it can be actually a good sign

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-10 15:33 ID:rnYPwWKO

So your devastating shit is your failure on senior year?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-10 15:36 ID:TZtJd4rS

Not really. Couldn't think of an example. :P

Well, I mean. Would you rather have your good day ruined or bad day worsened?

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-10 15:36 ID:TZtJd4rS

Not really. Couldn't think of an example. :P

Well, I mean. Would you rather have your good day ruined or bad day worsened?

8 Name: strong guy : 2006-12-10 15:43 ID:rnYPwWKO

everyone would prefer their every good day would not be ruin but this is practically impossible, this is facts of life and we have to accept it. This is how people grow up

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-10 19:21 ID:hZFBuyt2

It doesn't matter to me. It's the same either way.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-12 11:53 ID:Heaven

Every day is the same for me.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-12 22:18 ID:3W+tbDpr

It same for me to an I hate it!!!!

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-12 22:42 ID:wMc497kq

Please make ur question clear!!

13 Name: wandering jack : 2007-01-11 00:55 ID:KZnNP9Qv

i would probably want to have a bad day worsened that way when i have my next good day i can breathe a sigh and go "look at all the crap i went through"

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-13 15:36 ID:c8KjgO5D


grats, u just posted crap

15 Name: devildogmre : 2007-01-16 02:13 ID:7mz6VFoO

I like to eat bran cereal and take devastating shits!

16 Name: Newoz : 2007-01-19 06:18 ID:q6v1TLna


Rephrase your question

17 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-19 07:44 ID:Zi8CHNDe

hm i don't really know, how about you? do you like having shit on your ass daily?

18 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-19 15:31 ID:BNNcBQtg

Boo-hoo. Dx

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