I am so terribly socially inept, but you know what? I kinda like it. (30)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-14 20:56 ID:Heaven

People worth paying attention to aren't going to end up hating you for nothing. Unless you randomly start insulting them, and out of the blue slice off the throat of their puppy/kitten. Though I guess that hardly constitues as nothing...
You have social phobia galore, lots of other problems, and overthink things. Stop focusing on the worst case scenarios, it's not a realistical, nor constructive, nor useful way of living. Being aware of them isn't the same as letting them dictate your life.

Why do you get easily annoyed at people? Do you feel they're not playing according to rules they magically should be aware of, since you see those rules and mechanisms as such an integral part of (your) reality? That they're being difficult just for the sake of annoying/frustrating you?

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