I sometimes suffer from the following phobias
Scopophobia - Fear of being looked at
Mysophobia - Fear of germs/getting dirty [QUITE COMMON]
Caligynephobia - Fear towards beautiful women (although I could be too shy, of course, not a real phobia of mine) orz
Tell me of your phobias, if you have any
Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders
Entomophobia - Fear of insects
Trypanophobia - Fear of needles/injections
Really I don't pass out or scream when I see this (save once when I passed out from a penicillan shot, and some freaking out from cockroaches etc.) so I guess you can't really call them phobias so much as normal fears. But there's no need to be politically correct about it!
Mysophobia for me! Shaking hands is disgusting for me. If I am not wearing my gloves I will apologize for not shaking. If I absolutely must shake hands without my gloves I wash them with regular anti-bacterial soap and then I use a sanitizer. During warm weather I switch to a light cotton or lace glove, but even with lace the skin still touches.
I also cannot stand to be around children, they are like little packages of filth and germ. I had to babysit one time and the little brat wiped her nose on me and bit me! Revolting.
ok, u stick ur fingers into ur ass first, and then shake hands. ur hands would get cleaner. solved.
>>3 Ah, same as me! I'm glad I'm not the only one. (´∀`)
Arachibutyrophobia — fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
You people are freaks.
Only social Phobia here, btw. Though that may have led to some other ones.
hah i like that one, i don't fear them, but i find it really hard to trust someone beautiful with ANYTHING. like even turning the lights off after i leave...
I have a fear of sleeping with my mom. What's that called again?
-Fear of furries.
Yes, I did make that one up, but furries are still revolting.
Fear of failure, but only for things I actually like or want to do.
I haven't drawn in a while because of the fear of messing up a drawing. I just drew and pretty much had a nervous breakdown.
Fear of fucking MIRRORS. Not, like, have having sexual intercourse with them, just mirrors. Started off by that one X-Files episode, when I was six or seven.. eghegeheghhrr... It's getting better though...
>>13 holyshit, same happens to me, I quit drawing a few years ago because my works turned out shit. I still draw sometimes, but never get at it seriously.
I have lots of fears and the like. Nothing strong enough to be really considered as a phobia, which is way too often the case these days. That Caligynephobia thing might apply, though, as it often causes irrational reactions.
Oh, wait, there's one I really have. Helminthophobia. Fear of worms infection (parasites & the like). And Entomophobia too, concerning worms (or larvas and such; anything too wormy/creepy).
And now I have plenty of distasteful images in the head. Thank you.
Fear of being underwater...like, deep underwater...I can't even stand it when it's on TV or something, and it's like it's being shot from underwater x_X Now that I find really terrifying. Also, sharks. I once told my sister (age seven) that there were sharks at the deep end of the swimming pool. I ended up being too scared to go into the deep end myself. Let's not go into how much older I am than my sister.
Anything else...? Ah, yes...mild claustrophobia and fear of being looked at (wait...scopophobia, right?). I swing my hair in front of my face, keep a hand carefully positioned so it looks like I'm just playing with my hair when my wrist is hiding my face and stare at the floor. It's especially bad when I'm wearing make-up, for some reason.
Seems like you believe your makeup is effective and catches people's attention.
I used to suffer from a mild case of mysophobia, as well as some social phobia. The only phobia that really retains its intensity is the fear of being stuck. No, not claustrophobia. For instance someone tying me up would result in a huge panic attack. Even getting caught in a sweatshirt when accidentally taking it off in a sloppy manner makes me panic a bit. I'd probably seriously hyperventilate if someone were to handcuff me to something.
So, BDSM is definitely out of the question for me. I'm glad I never felt interested of that in the first place.
My fear of failure used to be hardcore phobic, but it's getting better and better... Horribly slowly, though. Damned abusive parents.
I used to tell my little sister there were sharks in the bathtub underneath all the foam. It was amusing, but it backfired and gave me a nightmare that night. My sister is unaffected by that tall tale.
I was reading confessions on grouphug.us, and one of them was by this older brother who hid in his sister's closet before she went to bed; their mom read her a story and tucked her in, then turned out the lights and left. Five minutes later, just as she's falling asleep, the brother burst out of the closet, screaming like a monster. He ended the confession with something along the lines of, "to this day, she is absolutely mortified of closets."
Somebody got into the closet just so his coming out would frighten his sister? Wow, only on 4-ch XD
I have a crazy fear of uhh... Well, when I look at things I imagine chewing on them for some reason, and how painful it would be. This is particularly bad for long, flat pieces of metal. I have a similar fear where I imagine scratching my fingernails on surfaces.
Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself.
Aeroacrophobia- Fear of open high places.
Achluophobia- Fear of darkness.
Kenophobia- Fear of voids or empty spaces.
For me, Kenophobia+Achluophobia= hell..
I'm not scared of anything.
that's kinda wierd for me... i have NEVER met anyone who has no fear.
I doubt there is anyone who is scared of nothing. I'm thought of as fearless in my class just because I'm not scared of bugs, fire, darkness, thunder, getting my hair wet (ehh...long story) and stuff like that, but I have a load of really weird fears that no one ever thinks about.
I have an awful fear of saying goodbye to teachers after class, or, in fact, being alone with teachers at any time.
I wish I was joking. Really.
Ah! The fingernail thing.
That happens all the time for me. Argh, it's annoying.
oh, one habit I have which is completely involuntary is when I watch someone take a bite out of an ice cream or chew on an ice cube...
generally when anyone is having their teeth in contact with something cold it really annoys me and I have to look away. Even now that I write this, the thought of it makes me anxious.
I looked through a long list to find mine.
But some phobias... you question why they even have names:
Genuphobia- Fear of knees.
Proctophobia- Fear of rectums.
Consecotaleophobia- Fear of chopsticks.
Dutchphobia- Fear of the Dutch.
Symmetrophobia- Fear of symmetry.
Ouranophobia or Uranophobia- Fear of heaven.
(don't do it, anonymous)
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words.
(Oh, the Irony. How Droll!)
Mine doesn't seem to have a name for it, however.
I've had nightmares about it, and if I come across it I must avoid it.
I'm afraid of overdue library books.
i have a fear you fagtards get children.
Fear of internet trolls
I don't really have a fear of it, but just thinking of it makes my ears hurt.
Thanks. :(
I fear the sound of nails on a chalkboard. Not too many other things make that noise. A knife scraped the wrong way on a whet stone, fingernails on dull finish car paint, a banshee...
Anyway, I fear it because I cannot stand it - it makes me cringe no matter what I'm doing. Annoying as hell when driving.
i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough i am fucking tough
>>34 is mad
that his greatest achievement
will be trolling on 'net
OP here
I discovered lately that I have agoraphobia, fear to open spaces or crowds. /_\
My fear of germs is getting worse o_o;;
Oh in the subway really ticks me off, all those people walking and you also have to look at the ground and stuff.
I usually have loud music and close my eyes in the trains.
fear of murderers.. and by rights i should damn it