erection troubles (15)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-28 18:37 ID:7+lkUhtb

This has been making me depressed for a while. Most times I'm unable to maintain an erection, sometimes going soft inside my girlfriend but she's usually able to finish. Whenever I check out /b/ and see those threads featuring guys with blue steel hardons I wonder how I can get those again. I'm too anxious to ask gay guys about how they keep it up since it's one of their requirements to get it up.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-28 19:01 ID:8sfi+4Ms

You aren't getting enough stimulation.

If all else fails try Viagra.

Oh wait, why am I giving advice? I'm a virgin

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-28 19:38 ID:A2e6V7Ed

first cut back on any fapping you do. also whats your diet and exercise routine look like? getting rid of junk food and replacing it with healthy shit will make a difference to your libido, and regular exercise will also help.

i didnt understand your thing about gay guys keeping it up? are you gay but have a girlfriend?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-28 20:08 ID:IUpmhjgp

yeah, I've heard that frequently fapping with an iron-hard grip can make it difficult to get hard without that grip- something most girls aren't capable of emulating.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-28 23:15 ID:Heaven

lol @ this thread.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-28 23:46 ID:kQsuY8IX

>>5 have severe erection problems

7 Name: fart man : 2007-01-29 00:32 ID:50QpvITL

it all depends on whether u r young or old, and aroused enogh or not when u have sex with her.

if u r old and not aroused enogh to have sex with her, then it might not be such a strange problem. just try Viagra(over dose at one time can be deadly, so be careful)

however, if u r young, like teens, and aroused enough, then it is a problem, a quite big problem. seriousely, go to ur doctor and get some advice.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-29 05:10 ID:Heaven


Fart man's mom told me this, Cut it off and feed it to the dog. After its all done, hop to Love and Romance.

9 Name: fart man : 2007-01-29 06:35 ID:50QpvITL

yeah, he did it and now he posts on every gay-thread.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-01 12:01 ID:Heaven

1) Do you have and bad fwapping habits? (e.g. masturbating too hard/in a too rapid pace - it will take some month or two to get used to a softer style properly)
2) Do you have any things that dwell in your mind and fuck things up there for you? (e.g. feeling too much as if you need to perform - the "but she's usually able to finish" definitely sounds like a lot of bad pressure, if you feel that you're stuck in that situation)
3) Have you experienced any differences in your erections when it comes to masturbation only, without your mentality having changed about masturbation? Because if you have, then this might be physical. In that case: see a doctor.

I have a friend who used to suffer from 1 & 2 simultaneously. He fixed #1, but then realized that the biggest problem was the relationship between him and his girlfriend, as well as that he felt too much as if he had to perform, and that she was interested in fucking with his body (as opposed to him as a person), when he was not (he wanted to have sex with her because of who she was, not just because of her body).

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-03 21:21 ID:5JgPIvWW

OP here. I'm not gay but the couple times I've stuck it into a pooper I had to be really, really hard because poopers are really tight and awkward even with lubricant. Reckon gay guys know the tricks of maintaining a blue-steel hardon for fudgepacking.

I fap a lot. In fact I avoided fapping for a whole week and then caved and my boner wasn't that stiff nor was the end result particularly pleasurable.

Yes I have a few things that dwell in my mind. I'm overcoming an obsession with two women. One was a major slut that I fucked and the other is this cooze who I want to fuck but it was always the wrong place or the wrong time. This is a drawn out process and I wish there really was a Lacuna.

12 Name: fart man : 2007-02-04 18:39 ID:50QpvITL

just keep stroking it.

13 Name: hotaro : 2007-02-12 19:17 ID:cWeRCFlx

usually i just spam ppl but i'm gonna give u some serious advice this time....fuck pig!!!!!!

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-20 02:29 ID:X69Hx6T9

i notice that when i don't jerk off for like a week.. i'll get a boner from looking at a crosswalk sign

but if i jerked off the day before... forget it! oral onry for my gf..

so i think that is normal..

15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-20 03:00 ID:pOJWuceu

--I'm too anxious to ask gay guys about how they keep it up

Well, the glory of 4-ch is that you can ask without fear, including gay guys like me. Gays usually keep it up the old fashioned way, by getting horny and staying on the ball until the job is done.

How this works, among other things, is that they do not let their minds wander, or the biggest libido killer of all - becoming insecure about the performance. Perhaps you get distracted or insecure. Perhaps the romance is sagging between you two and your member follows suit. Usually it is "motivation" that's behind it. Being too motivated (feeling a strong urge to get the job done this time) also is counterproductive.

We're no experts so you should consult a doctor just to be sure.

If all else fails, you might want to give Viagra a try to reaffirm to yourself that it can be done. Don't get dependent on a pill to have sex though - it is a tool to get your confidence back.

In almost all cases the right motivation, or as a last resort Viagra, will get the job done.

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