I feel so damn ugly! (53)

5 Name: big nigr : 2007-03-03 05:52 ID:iLhmcD2V

how do you grow an inferiority complex when you're in 6th grade. you don't really start socializing until about 3rd or 4th grade, that leaves about 2 years of growing up.

to the op, if you are male, there are things you can do to improve your situation. you clearly care about what other people think of you. go to a good hair salon in your area, like a 50 dollar one, not the 10 dollars ones, and ask them what they think should be done. why im startng with your hair? because you said you cover your face with it, so it must be long. not many people can pull off the long face covering hair look, so it might not be suitable on you. make sure your barber speaks english and seems to know what looks good, and not the bowl hair style they give their 6 year old korean kid. actually, after reading this over, it applies to females too. too many times have i seen a female and said, that hair could look so much better.

oh and try not to think too much about how you look. like you said, it clouds your thoughts with what should be filled with ideas for meaningful conversation.

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