I think I might start smoking weed, dropping acid, and eating shroomz (48)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-05 01:04 ID:cVtDfbqQ

Recently I've been in a creative slump, along with a mild case of severe depression. I watch anime, read manga, listen to fucked up music, look at fucked up shit on the internet, and hang around my mom. LIfe has become boring, and like... I'm pretty sure that the above prescription can enhance the flavor of what I currently enjoy. I don't know, I've been logical so long that I feel its time to just mess up my room a bit, ya know? I want to start making vicious art that will seriously leave an impression in la peoples mind and I definitely don't think geometric shapes, like squares, will cut it. I just want to say fuck it, really, and go all out, even if I die because wtf is life if you don't try to experience it in as many ways as you can imagine. I just need to express myself and I feel drugs will open my soul up as wide as a gaping hallway. watcha think? nay or YAY!!!

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