I'm depressed. (14)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-21 04:35 ID:ChX6S7OB

Step 1ne: fuck everyone. wait, that didn't come out right. lets try again.

Step 1ne: Don't care what anyone thinks about you. if someone makes you feel like shit, chances are you don't need them.

there we go.

Step 2wo: find something you enjoy doing that doesn't have negative repercussions, like art, music, sports, aimlessly fun internet, video games, whatever. if you really love doing it, chances are there is a career based around it. nobody has "no future".

Step 3hree: laugh at everything. everything is weird and funny. love it all.

Step 4our: be yourself, unabashedly. do what you like to do, have fun with everything.

Step 5ive: realize that school is just a stupid little pimple on the face of life. school doesn't matter one fucking little tiny bit. Every teacher you have is a teacher for one reason: they couldn't find a job in their field. They're a failure. English teachers couldn't find a job in ANY field. Once you get out of high school, you represent, think for, and ARE yourself. Hang in there, life gets a fuck of a lot better when school ends.

Step 6ix: 4-ch. it's awesome. love it. so is the rest of the internet, actually.

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