Motorcycle to Auckland (11)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-20 20:15 ID:CwgrgqX4

Don't feel bad about the 'wanderlust' feelings... I've been feeling like that more & more lately, and I'm 25 ys old... My difference is that I'm in a dead-end job (even as I write now), and feel like I'm never going to see even a one-hundredth of the things that are out there in the world, if I don't just save up some money, and just leave everything behind, and just drive off, and start a fresh life on the road or traveling...

As I'm not in a relationship (and not likely to find one in this rural area), I feel that other than my family being in the area, and concerns over finances hold me back... Otherwise, I'd just love to forget everything and drive off, starting over...

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