I've decided something today. (21)

1 Name: Taking a chance!3pI2s8EqCA : 2007-04-03 08:41 ID:xh8bxre3

I've decided that I'm going to apply to join MENSA. I don't know if I'll succeed, but I still want to try.

It's just something I've been thinking about for awhile. I want to know what I'm truly capable of. Of course, I have a vague worry that I'll do poorly on the test, but you know what? I still want to know. And besides, I've always tested well. If I remember correctly, I was in the top 30 of my school when I took the ACT (this was 5 years or so ago), so I'm not that worried.

Of course, I don't have a good explanation of why I've decided to do this. After all, this test costs 40 dollars to take, and I don't really get too many noteworthy benefits for joining. But still, it's just something I'd like to do. I think it'd be neat to be able to say that I'm a member of the most famous intellectual group of all time.

And if I fail? Oh, well. Live and learn. It won't quantify me as having any less potential for growth, so I'm going to try it.

Anyway, thanks for letting me talk about this. I guess I just wanted to tell someone. Annonymously, since I don't want my friends or family to know just yet. It's just... I think I'm ready to do something great, and this seems like as good a place as any to start. Thanks again!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-03 18:53 ID:SW7WVbtk

Good luck

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-03 19:25 ID:1C0wvS1h

You're still a jerk.

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5 Name: fart man : 2007-04-04 14:09 ID:k01AMsi9


all of u r jerks.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-04 14:45 ID:AX0Qyayf

Good luck, tell us how it works out :)

plz2ignore the loltrolls.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-04 17:57 ID:bqpXcHj/


8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-04 19:47 ID:lIbdPeHp

and waht teh fsck is MENSA anyway ?

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-04 23:48 ID:9Q3Yf7co

if a house where fags fuck their asses

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-05 01:09 ID:Heaven

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12 Name: Roseanna : 2007-05-08 07:45 ID:V+swJDuR

hmm, when i was five i had an iq test that resulted in an iq of 132 :d
im classified as a superior intelligence,lol so i am going to try to join but im not sure if a test form 13 years ago is still eiligeble
ahh well,lol i just will be able to say "im with mensa"

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-08 11:49 ID:bRKlMow3

There is no harm in trying, but being top thirty of your school isn't saying much...

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21 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-09 11:13 ID:Heaven

It probably isn't. People's IQ changes with age, and a test result from thirteen years ago isn't gonna say much about you right now. Add to the fact that IQ generally declines after your prepubescent years.

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