I think Anime is making me Gay (37)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-15 09:07 ID:as4GHLe3

>>5 , same here, I had no idea one could be a pedo before anime, interest in children didn't make sense to me or was not a topic I ever thought about. now , after two years of watching anime I'm sure I am a pedo. I always did thought that kids are very funny and cute and all, but it just never accrued to me that they could be looked at through a sexual glass. Anime really does put them in that context and no matter how much I ignored it, it did really affect my tastes. Maybe I'm just too weak...

Over all, i think is alright if you take responsibility. I used to baby sit this loli for a close friend's of family before, we played WoW (She had the mouse, I had the keyboard) and Dead or Alive on Xbox, now I just make excuses and avoid it. It was just bothersome.

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