What to do in my free time (14)

1 Name: Warez Otoko : 2007-04-17 21:45 ID:jf0Pfkji

Since I'm unable to find friends or a lover to be with, I was wondering what I could do with my free time.
This would function as a mean to distance myself from this damned computer, and to try not to constantly think of the lack of friends/family/love in my life.
I work 8 hour shifts, so I often have the whole afternoon free when I finish at 14.00 or when I start at 22.00... but I don't know what to do.
It must be something which keeps me busy AND around people, because I've become increasingly unable to feel good in the usual loneliness of my apartment.
I was even thinking about a second job.. but I'd prefer something more relaxed.. I don't know where to start and where to look-.-

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