Please, I need your help (11)

1 Name: Dreamer : 2007-04-19 04:32 ID:oBzWvgtw

yea, it's about a dream i had last night. i NEED to know what it means

Yea, so last night...

normally i will go to bed with something with a light on, say the radio or a movie (yea, i hate the dark) but last night i decided i was too tired for it and just got in bed and fell asleep. Now, I dont know, but i was having a normal dream, and then it felt like i woke up. this is when the "dream" began

I felt that i couldnt move no matter how much i tried. and it was one damn detailed dream, because i was in bed, as if i just got up, and everything from what i could see was the same in my room. only, i couldnt move, except my head and my eyes a little. i glanced out with windows, and the sky was a bright red. not like, neon red or anything, but just... i dont know, red. And for some reason, i felt hella scared, like... piss your pants scared. It was the most scared i've felt for well, maybe my whole life, and i dont know why. I also heard something. kinda like someone speaking. It sounded like a friends voice, but i dont know who's. and then out of the corner of my eye, i saw "shadows" moving around.

so, lets recap to the importent stuff

-i was in my room as if i just woke up

-I couldnt move

-for some random reason i felt scared. the most scaredi've ever felt

-the sky was red

-shadow's moving

-and i was hearing a voice. (male i think)

and so then, being in the state i was, i clamped my eye's shut as hard as i could to try and make the voice and all that stuff go away, and after like... maybe 20 seconds it all did, and i woke up. It was the most real dream i've ever had T.T the scariest also. dont know why i felt so scared. but it was the worst minute of my life (yea, it was short)

EDIT 1: I remember what the guy said now... after i clamped my eye's shut i remember hearing a "Dont open your eyes, whatever you do dont open them"

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-19 10:54 ID:Dhg0+y5z


3 Name: sage : 2007-04-19 13:47 ID:Heaven

and fail

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-19 15:11 ID:SNTR/pBM

i remember hearing that if you sleep for a long time, e.g. you laze around having naps for most of the day then you start to have these paralysis dreams that you described. it doesnt mean anything.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-19 21:45 ID:DhsHflzp

Actually it could have been less than a minute. Perception of time is usually distorted in dreams. I'd guess it was just a nightmare, I had one kinda like this one few months ago.

I was in my bed, just like if I woke up, except I felt a presence standing by the side of my bed. So I acted like I wasn't really awake, even if I knew the person (thing?) would be waiting 'till I woke up. I think I felt the presence of some others passing by my window, but only this one seemed to care about me.
After a few minutes, I felt that I couldn't do anything, so I decided to just raise my upper body and look at the guy.

It looked stranged, a bit like Munch's Shout, a bit like a mummy, a bit like the first victim we see in Ring. And the only thing I could do was shout the hell out of my lungs, straight in the face of the thing, while it just stood here and shouted back at me.

Then, I don't know why, maybe because I was shouting louder than him, everything (that's him, the others outside, and a blueish darkness filling the room I noticed only when it disappeared). And just at that moment, I woke up, my upper body raised, in my bed. And strangely, I had the feeling that the thing that was shouting at me wasn't harmful after all, maybe it was even protecting me - and I scared it away.

It may not have been my worst fear ever, but it sure was in top ten.

And I still don't know what all of this meant. Some similitudes in your story and mine lead me to post this, maybe it can help you understand something. I don't know for myself.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-19 22:21 ID:SNTR/pBM

ive had stuff a bit like that. hanging out on /x/ (is it x? the paranormal board anyway) on 7chan. apparently there are certain ghosts called "shadow people" - ive seen a couple of these in very similar circumstances to you. i wake up and see a figure in the room, often looming over me. if i dont react then it can stay there for a moment, if i act startled it quickly blurs away. i dont think its a ghost, just me being in that stage between awake/asleep and giving human form to random patterns in the dark. but i would describe it as a shadow person

7 Name: 5 : 2007-04-19 22:55 ID:DhsHflzp

Except in my case it wasn't just an image (this happens to me sometimes, though, but mostly because I have a rather large imagination) but felt counscious, and I wasn't really awake, and right after the "fade away" sensation I really woke up.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-20 00:24 ID:UfpVvMWc


My impression is that you woke up and experienced sleep paralysis it's not uncommon. And in some cases your brain makes up a story to go with the feeling of OH SHIT I CAN'T MOVE.

9 Name: sage : 2007-04-20 17:26 ID:Heaven

fail, no penis or tits

10 Post deleted by moderator.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-21 15:49 ID:ByMS79qt


fail, desecration of thread by "hilarious", "ironic" replies.

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