I can't manage such social situations anymore, and in fact haven't been able to since I was in middle school. Even as I'm medicated now(If you must know it's antidepressants. Diagnosed so late in life orz) it seems I've lost the ability to handle such situations without vitriol and a touch of snarkiness.
So, hints and advice, if you please.
Talk more. Talk randomly.
What would you say to a parent or sibling in response to small talk? Just say the same sort of thing to other people.
...I think that should work, anyway. I have a big problem with it myself, but it seems to be getting better.
I find it hard to talk to people too, in fact I avoid all interactions and going outside, I rarely go out side.
Isn't so weird how we can talk and be open to people on the Internet but outside we can't?
>Isn't so weird how we can talk and be open to people on the Internet but outside we can't?
Not really. On the internet, especially anonymous sites such as this and 4chan, there are really no repercussions. You don't know me, and even if I say the wrong thing or talk completely crazy, you probably wouldn't even recognize my next post.
Even on non-anonymous sites, if worse comes to worse you can sign up under a new name.
Actually, it is sort of weird. I've told some onlinepeople things I never would've mentioned in real life. And there are people online that I know more about, talk to more often, and share more personal details with than anyone I know offline.
People offline suck.
People online suck as well, but you can Alt-tab, Alt-F4 or ESC them way more easily. Try to block someone online, or just "act idle" (I know we all do that once in a while when people we don't want to talk to hl/im us), and you're sure to bring drama upon yourself.
It's often easier to write/type than speak. I know it is for me. Plus you generally have more time to think about what you're saying.
basically, typing shitfucks your intensions and masks your character. there is only so much which can be comunicated with buncha of buttons.