I'm at a lost here (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-09 16:06 ID:zoeOJDrj

Well, I'm in the closing weeks of high school now. I feel like I've failed somehow; like I didn't try hard enough, missed out on any social life and the whole high school experience.

I don't know what to do anymore really. I'm constantly unfulfilled. I just expected more out of life, maybe I expected too much?

I don't have interest in anything really. I'm not a gamer, don't like music, don't like sports, not interested in relationships. I'm not motivated to do anything either. Sure I can go to college, get a job, live confortably, but I'll always be bored.

I can't make friends easily. I can't relate to other people. I wouldn't know what to talk about or anything. Nothing is on my mind most of the time that isn't depressing. I don't want to take up any hobbies because I'm horrible at everything I attempt.


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