Hello, /Personal/
I'm a high school senior doing independent study. I suck with people.
The only friends I have are people I know from online. I met up with some of them at an anime convention last year, but couldn't say anything but "hello" and "bye." I even ran into some other people I knew, but couldn't even introduce myself.
This year I was invited to a room party after the convention. I sorta want to go but I really don't know what to do in social situations such as those. It'll certainly ruin the image they built up of me and make them think that I'm weird.
What should I do?
Even after I discontinued watching anime, I still persisted going to anime conventions simply because they're some of the most open, pleasant environments (socially) I've ever been in. I've met a lot of good people at cons.
Go to the party, definitely. And as far as easily talking to people? It's as easy as complimenting someone. Find a person that looks friendly enough and compliment their outfit/hair/whatever. Ask what character they're cosplaying as. Seriously, commenting on someone's costume is the easiest way to start a conversation. You all have atleast one thing in common, ya know: you're all anime fans and can converse on that level.
weeaboos. DIAF!
First. What are your hobbies?
Just go with the flow; You must be a pretty decent person if you managed to get invited to a room party at a 'con;
I was a social oddball, and since, I've learned that 1) There are others like me, and I take pride in who I am, and 2) If you're a mellow person, and go with the flow, and just are generally friendly & cool to hang out with, things always just go/grow from there; Relax, above all, and be yourself; People don't want someone who pretends to be someone they're not, and people also don't want someone who is scared to be around others;
If you just keep your head & remember that you're not weird, you're no weirder than anyone else, you'll do just fine!