How do I keep my hair healthy? (20)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-07 16:30 ID:Heaven

Don't brush your hair too often. The less you brush your hair, the less you wear the "fabric" out. But do brush it or else it will get tangled and knotty and more prone to wear.
Never force a brush through your hair. Brush it out, starting at the tips, slowly working your way up with strokes down through the hair. This should solve any knots that aren't too hardcore. If you ever do get too hardcore knots, try applying olive oil to your hair and comb it all out, still by working your way from the tip to the root.

>A good conditioner makes so much difference.
So very yes. A good conditioner is more important than a good shampoo. Shampoos are mainly just for removing grease on your scalp and hair, while as conditioners treat your hair.

>Before stepping out try to give your head/scalp a good rinse with cold water. It's supposed to help your hair growth.

Uh. I thought the cold water was so that the scales on the hair strands would close down properly, making the hairs even more smooth.

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