finding courage (6)

1 Name: mrfraud : 2007-06-10 02:21 ID:0TbL52zC

out of the blue, i became conscious with my confidence level... i have this thing of being afraid to open unfamiliar doors, to start a journey to the unknown. I worry so much that some situations makes my heart pound like hell. Low-esteem as what others might call it, and i call it a disease. inflicting damages to my personality and social life.

12 hours ago, i started to watch a compiled marathon of some tv series, a story about change, courage, & inspiration. others might call it a love story, a fairytale... but what i dominantly see on that series was the word change. If others can do it, maybe it's time for me to do likewise. and this was my first step, doing exactly what they did. blurting it out. feel free to express the inner thoughts.

made some research though, and wikipedia redirected me here. wondering if life in the anonymity would somehow change me...

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-10 04:30 ID:kAiTxyTP

It doesn't take courage to post things on the Internet. Get off the computer, that's a start.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-10 23:38 ID:5vEdbxQM

Act, don't just expose yourself to 'inspirational' material and passively let it impress itself on you. Courage, like all virtues, is a habit, acquired by forcing oneself to act consistently courageously.

4 Name: mrfraud : 2007-06-10 23:57 ID:0TbL52zC

i wasn't referring to that. "Get off the computer..." is something like "get out and face the world..." which analytically is what we call experience.

"Courage like all virtues is a habit"... links back again to experience. basically it's an endless loop of experience. thus in nature, experience makes anyone courageous enough. but the question comes back again... "Where do you find the courage... to have that needed experience?"

the idea of this post was to find the very essential catalyst in finding courage. with limit to another issue about fear? because that certainly is another topic. another issue, another endless loop of questions, you know why?

If i ask you "what's your greatest fear?" you will answer this and that. and through that answer i will ask again... "is that your final answer?" of course, there will be this big chance you will think it through again for a matter of seconds.

there is this quote... "courage is not the absence of fear... etc" and i do believe that, so again...

where do you find the courage if experience is not the answer alone..?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-11 00:01 ID:0TbL52zC

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-12 04:26 ID:C9C5kVad

i dont know, its all a bit too wishy-washy for me. i personally dont associate having courage with the ability to just open random doors and run around all silly and without direction. if you actually have some goal in mind, clearly defined, that you know is hard to obtain, yet you stand steadfast regardless of doubt and tough circumstances, then yes, you are being courageous in that regard. it just seems as if you've equated your lack of life with a lack of courage when its probably more a matter of another virtue, or lack thereof, such as slothfullness, lack of concentration, a sprinkle of retardation, some diabetes, and perhaps a dab of aids.

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