I think I'm bisexual...when and how could I tell someone? some of my friends will think I'll be joking.
(please try not to type any stupid comments. (pretty hard to ask here)).
Who do you want to tell? Find a friend that you know you can trust and ask them for their opinion. If you have someone of the same gender you like, maybe you can try telling them. They might become disgusted, but if you really want them to know, then there's no other way. Make sure you can trust them with that, tho, unless you want it out in the open, so everyone knows, but I doubt that's the case. If it's your family, then you should hold out until you know they're OK with something like that, or at least won't hate you for it.
not sure if I could tell anyone yet. some friends might understand, but I'm not sure...
sorry, nothing but stupid comments come to mind. its a lame question and you know it and deserves to be trolled damnit!
Why does it matter if you tell them straight out or not? Just be yourself, comment on attractive people once a while, as naturally as straight people do, and you're all set. If people ask, answer.
If you feel the need to point out that you are bisexual because you are worried your friends might take some of your actions or comments the wrong way, then telling them right ahead might be a good idea.
I'm bisexual too, I guess. Bisexual, pansexual, whatever. I don't feel what someone packs in their pants makes any difference for whether I can find them attractive or not, nor am I'm too fond of vague labels.
May I ask why you feel that you might be bisexual?
What/when/how did your feelings start?
For me I have had bisexual feelings since pre-school and I could have turned out gay if I wasn't so ashamed in grade school.
you shouldn't be having feelings like that in pre-school
I fancied people in pre-school. Not in sexual ways, though. There's a big difference between infatuation and lust.
First of all, wait..don't rush into telling the world. This could be a fase or you're bi-curious. And there is a big difference between sexual attracted to the same sex and having feelings for them. I know alot of people who use same sex partners for fun ..that's what it is fun.
So, do your thing..expirement, date whatever.
I second >>9's statement.
Sexuality isn't black and white, take the time to get to know yourself better.
I've asked myself how I should tell my friends so I know it's tough, but as time progressed, I realized that I would keep my mouth shut about it because it would make things really awkward between my friends. My advice would be to be yourself and if the question ever pops up just answer truthfully, and if they question you why you never told them, just say the topic never came up.
You know I just came right out and I didn't have any problems, my friends and parents were cool with it.
It's better that you tell them then to keep it hidden.
Don't keep it hidden for the sake of keeping it hidden, but don't shove it in their face either.
Be natural about it. That way you honestly can state that it never came up when they ask why you never mentioned it before.
Beware of the "Oh god no, you haven't been secretly drooling over me when I exposed some skin, did you?!" "No" "..WHY THE HELL NOT?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE WAY I LOOK?!" reaction some people get. If you ever get that one, remind them of that sexuality isn't about finding every single person of that gender attractive, even if they're good looking. Sometimes there just isn't that kind of chemistry going on, and there's nothing to do about it. So even though they are good looking, you don't feel interested in getting into their pants/romantical with them.
I'm so surprised that people are giving out serious answers.
Why not? I've heard this sort of questions being seriously asked. Though usually it's someone gay asking about how to come out of the closet, rather than someone bisexual.
There are some who are what you call "diet gay", but there are plenty who are not.
It's the same way being a bleach-blonde bimbo is a trend. Does this make the non-bimbo blondes fake or imposters? Does it make the intelligent, natural blondes fake or imposters? Hardly.
Some swing both ways because it's fashionable, but there are plenty who don't care if it's fashionable or not, they are like that because it's a genuine part of themselves.