Closet Otaku (56)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-02 07:03 ID:z0st9/kI

I'm a girl, too. People don't really bully me in front of me, but it's obvious they talk behind my back a lot. I don't openly show off my interests, but sometimes I wear anime t-shirts, and I formed a club at my school, so people know. I'm glad that I formed a club, since now I have a social circle of my own, but before, I felt a little paranoid and kept to myself mostly.

People around me are very open-minded. I think it's not that other people are turned off by my interests, but because I have something I like that they know nothing about, if they try to have a conversation with me about something I know a lot about, they'll feel stupid and think that I'm looking down on them for not knowing anything about the subjects I'm interested in. I hope that's not too confusing...^_^;;

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