Closet Otaku (56)

49 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-18 20:57 ID:WPxi1nYY

>>46 I felt like she had a crush on me but i didn't want to mention it because i always thought she would feel bad if i brought it up, because i wasn't interested in her that way. I really liked her, but as a friend.

>But I don't really get why the fangirl community would be the cause for your friend's behavior?

Well, because the community that is the one best suited for her in tastes (as in yaoi) isn't exactly the best one for her personality. Because Fangirls in those communities are low self esteem people who support each other's shitty motivationless lifestyles. And they start feeling good with that lifestyle because people still like them, even when they are like that.

It may sound beautiful that they are so close like that, but nothing I've ever heard in my life justified such a lifestyle. They are running away, and they deny the friendship of those that try to put some sense into them. They just keep on living in that same cycle, repeating itself over and over again, numbing their brains.
This is how I feel.

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