Closet Otaku (56)

52 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-20 03:23 ID:kuDMMkTe

I only read manga these days, but I can't help but to come off as a bit nerdy in everything I do in real life, lol. I have big interests in drawing, graphics design, motion graphics, digital painting, photography and all that. When I talk to people I'll always have an opinion about something like that, and similarly when it's about all the weaboo shit.

What's wrong in having opinions? Not being afraid of showing them is just a compliment. Being a hikki weeaboo emo "lul I can draw coz drawing as a hobby is wat u do in tihs fandom"who doesn't know/use any social rules is where I don't like us geeky types. I'll avoid those as much as I can.

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