Closet Otaku (56)

54 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-02 14:00 ID:L2iQV1Bj

>There's nothing wrong with having opinions but being a weeaboo/otaku is looked down upon to say the least.

Of course it is looked down upon, a great majority of otaku and weeaboo are ugly, fat, they don't take care of themselves, and they have weak personalities. what is there not to be looked down upon, this is not a question of "what counts is the inside", no, this is social image. OH BUT! weeeaboos still have feelings! that doesn't make them nicer to have arround, that makes them even worse to have around, a weak, sensitive, ugly, fat person.

Are you fat and unhappy about it ? THEN LOSE WEIGHT. Are you fat, and ok with it ? It doesn't affect your personality ? Then no one will care if you are fat, of course it will mean that less girls will be interested in you, but people will like you the same way. DO YOU LIKE ANIME, FIGURINES, MANGA, HENTAI AND ALL THAT SHIT AND STILL CARE ABOUT YOUR IMAGE ? People will love you.

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